Sunday, September 12, 2010


Kind Of Out Of Order, So Just Bear With Me.

·      Possible Team Stuff
o      Dr. Death Defying and Party Poison are at least contacts. Party Poison is possibly on the Doctor’s side.
o      Party Poison is a young person, maybe in the teens. Something about the way they write…
o      Agent Cherri doesn’t seem to like Party Poison very much.
o      Question: Does the phrase “party poison” crop up anywhere else? Is it a known slang term for something? Is there a song, story, something that might remotely connect back to this narrative? Right now, all I can think of are club drugs, like ecstasy…
o      Party Poison is possibly a robot, or at least a cyborg. Their first tweet might’ve been similar to Agent Cherri’s first tweet, if you believe in the theory brought up in this post. Perhaps they were coming “online” for the firs time as a cyborg.
o      Party Poison is a hired assassin, and that’s why Agent Cherri isn’t happy. Competition!

·      Gerard’s Tweet
o      Gerard appears to have officially confirmed that they won’t be performing/appearing at the VMAs this year. (
o      Check out his background.
o      Don’t ever change, G-Fett. (I didn’t make that up. That’s the actual name of the photo file when I found it! That’s how nerdy this picture is and I love it.) What’re the chances he totally geeked out like a teenage girl when he saw the display? Can someone do a comic of that? We need more amusement.
o      There was also a new tweet from him saying “collect me all”, which is more than likely in reference to this amazingly redorkulous picture. Yeah. Already got that covered, G-Fett!
o      (Although, let’s face it; if I saw a display like that, I’d want to get a picture in front of it, too.)

·      PartyPoison
o      That VMA tweet one is from today, which came just before this tweet that first confirms that MCR won’t be at the VMAs, a screen-grab of which I posted here.

·      What in the royal fuck is going on here? Someone brought this up earlier:
o      I find it very suspicious that @DrDeathDefying is following @PartyPoison. Are they on the same team? Hmm… 0_0 (Source)
·      This Tweet:
o      Here are some clues for the VMA: robots, explosions, broken windows, brick walls... and a costume made of live animals. (

·      A Thought From Someone
o      I ran a quick Google and Urban Dictionary search for Party Poison but it returned nothing. I am currently somewhere between the idea that s/he's at least PARTLY robotic, or indeed a teenager. I see that vibe. Like a hyperactive fourteen-year-old who's been told "knock yourself out"  If the android/cyborg theory is to be believed then I'm willing to guess that maybe his/her systems didn't start up correctly? Like there's a fault in the wiring.  Also, on the subject of partially robotic humans, I'm leaning towards the idea of Agent Cherri being one. What if s/he was in control of his/her robotic elements, but as s/he's beginning to succumb to hunger and exhaustion the android within is starting to take over. Like some kind of autopilot.

Something to ponder, someone on tumblr posted this.
·      My Chem’ aren’t performing at the VMAs. Jesus, i was almost certain that they were gonna release info this weekend.
·      But this confirmation confirms something: these people knew that we were hyping about the VMAs. They knew that. Which means they must be aware of our reactions to the transmissions, Twitter updates and general theories.
·      It’s not just us watching them. It’s them watching us as well.

Someone posted this for PartyPoison:
·      I think @PartyPoison is a child.
·      They type in chatspeak and don’t really understand what’s happening.

MCR Website:
·      WKIL:
o      Static, Gerard singing (because we love again), now the National Antem, drum beats, stadium crowd voices… hmm?

A Thought From Someone:
·      There is no station of which I am aware that plays the Star Spangled Banner here at night. When shows are off-air, we get infomercials. It’s ver advertising-oriented. Someone is always out to make money, even when no one is watching nor cares. MCR does love Japanese culture. Perhaps they're getting at something with the off-air National Anthem thing: a stab at what society has become.  At the end of the world, there's nothing anyone wants to buy. I think Tommy Chow Mein is a great example of that. He’s advertising to an uninterested crowd. As NewsAGoGo said, they’re not even sure why he’s there. Afterall, who is worried about money or possessions when the world is in ruins and people are getting “ghosted.”

Here someone got in contact with a S//C member:

Okay. So. Here’s What We Know:
·      There is a new Twitter account: @partypoison
·      We know it’s legit because News A Go Go tweeted about it.
·      Ricky Martin’s “La Vida Loca” just started playing in my headphones. The Spanglish version. I haven’t heard it in ages. This has nothing to do with the weirdness going on; I just felt the need to state this.
·      Agent Cherri isn’t very active tonight, but there’s one new tweet, and it’s…interesting.
·      We now have a context in which Mystery X’s post makes more sense. But I’m gonna touch on that more tomorrow.
·      Tommy Chow Mein has also been rather active today.

Agent Cherri:
It’s reading more and more like Agent Cherri is at least partially robotic. And also full of sexual tension. I’m also gonna need to find time to update that damn glossary… But it calls to mind something Lily posted in the comments very early in the day:
·      I thought of something. I’m not sure on some parts of it since I was never good with Chemistry, but…
Maybe Agent-i is powered by sun light (with would indicate s/he is either a robot or some kind of cyborg). S/he states that s/he “was at full power” and that after a long night s/he “almost didn’t wake up.” ( (
Also, s/he says that s/he was “beginning to taste like acid.” (
·      Now, I’m more inclined to believe in the cyborg thing, because of the “dust mouth” comment (, since I don’t think pure robotic creatures would be thirsty or consider drinking water (s/he says that “clean water is so 2015,” not that they didn’t have anything for her/him).
·      If s/he is powered by sun light, after too much time without it, s/he might not wake up.
·      And don’t batteries use acid? If you overcharge them, shit happens. So maybe that’s why, after the sun being on her/his head for days, s/he started tasting like acid. (another thing on the cyborg theory - would robots be able to taste anything?)
·      ETA: ALSO! Maybe the first tweet ( is about the transition betweet purely human to part robot. (Source)

WKIL + Dr. Death Defying:
The postulation was raised that maybe the WKIL channel might actually belong to Dr. Death Defying. I’m not too sure how I feel about it yet. Might be, might not be. I was following my feed and it sounded like Katie was getting onto something about the audio there, but we’ll see what she says tomorrow.
·      There’s also this nagging feeling in my brain that want’s to say each channel represents one of the Twitter accounts, but that theory is not yet fully formed in my brain.
·      Also, someone had this to say about Dr. Death Defying:
o      I think the good Doctor is going to cure the global takeover. …Not very catchy or witty, but I’m just thinking with everything that’s been brought up, that the world has been changed, possibly through a deliberate act. The news is there to keep everyone satisfied, and to weed out the “bad seeds” such as DDD who are set to bring the world back to normal. I don’t know if that made sense. But that’s just what’s been running through my mind the most for the past few days. (Source)
·      And I just remembered that I have this comment from someone in my notes:
o      someone said that hidden songs and beats on the WKIL channel were being “blocked” by the static. so it would make sense if that was Dr D’s channel and his trying to tell us something or share something with us but someone (maybe the News…) is not letting him. (Source)

There’s still not enough for me to begin tossing out serious theory ideas, but we already know that this person appears to be at least referentially familiar with Japanese culture. Maya also tweeted this to me on Twitter:
·      @BlissfulMadness didn’t find any 575 station [am or fm] only found a 576 asian station [“Okami-san grab the H-bomb” ?] (source)
·      Maybe 575 Station isn’t a radio station. What else it could refer too, I’m not sure at the moment.

Other Stuff:
·      I found this while skimming a blog on deviantART this afternoon. I don’t have anything to really say about them, but they jumped out at me enough to pass along. Perhaps it’ll spark some ideas.
o      The urgent tweet with the numbers, 201 is also the area code for a county in NJ very close to where they lived. Their Hoboken concert on the BPID cd took place in that county. *Pink Boas!* Hah, thinking about this too much. (Know this cause I live very close to 201) (Source)
o      Different comment from the same blog entry:
·      I’m fairly certain Dr. Death Defying is in a desert in California, Victor Valley, Apple Valley, Lucerne Valley etc. area, since he is very clearly standing beside a Joshua tree and the southwest is the only place they can grow, and MCR is supposedly in LA. (Source)

I was sent a link to this entry on someones blog by way of a response on DA, about Channel 9:
·      WELL BASICALLY. AgentcherrYcola aka agent with the tiny hat (ie, the starter of the currently-used chat) kept saying he was on channel 9 and we were all REACTers. So we found out that people on ch9 help each other in times of emergency so we concluded that the whole point of everything was that we needed to save ourselves. Hence the all for one. And people think they did all of that to reunite the mcrmy. We are channel nine. (Source)

Who is watching who?
·      I’m really starting to think that they’re following us. And not in the silly haha way, but I mean seriously, I think they’re looking to see what we know. Almost half the things I said yesterday were disproven by today. Half the time you’re writing transmissions something happens right then and there. THEY KNOW.

·      To add to that, a lot of my speculation was shot down, but at the same time the truth of those speculations is now clear. I’m now highly convinced Agent Cherri is out to kill the Dr. and in that idea, I know don’t believe they were ever together, but that Agent-I was chasing him, close enough that their messages made it seem like they were in the same place. Then notice how she always gave the names of the places she’d been? If she was with the Dr., he wouldn’t have let her do that. Maybe the names were for the News to know where they’d been and track down the Dr.  If Agent-I really is the little girl from the casting call, then it’d make sense why even if he did suspect she was following him, he wouldn’t see her as a threat.

·      Were the “white suits” the Dr. was talking about seeing before NewsAGoGo? Or maybe the “Agents” the News sent out that he “dusted” later. 

·      Also, Agent-I said “he aint gonna dance with no one else tonight” so does that mean more is going to happen tonight??? (course, by the time you read this we’ll already know the answer.

·      Okay while at work goofing off it suddenly hit me, I wonder if these horse songs are going to be like the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse since there are rumors that that is the theme of the CD. I really have no idea what else horses could mean. I also where they are finding these horse songs anyway.  Thoughts?

The Transmissions:
If you haven’t been to the Transmissions page of the website yet, be prepared for a little bit of a shock. Below is a breakdown of the changes that have occurred:
·      RFDD: No change.
·      BLND: No change.
·      WKIL: Clear drumming that fought with some static. {Static} (Represents major static shifts.) Techno-y sounding music, like a guitar synth, and muffled-sounding voice. {Static} Cuts to a guitar melody and Gerard singing. (I’ll get to the lyrics in a minute.) Small burst of static. MCR song continues. Small burst of static. MCR song continues, but less intelligible; it’s almost like it’s being…suppressed? {Static} Silence. {Static} The Star Spangled Banner, which is the clearest and longest piece of music now heard on the channel despite fighting small bursts of static. It drops into silence just before the song ends. Then again with the drumming, which is the second-clearest piece of music…
·      KLSK: America’s “Hose with no Name” is no longer playing. Instead, it’s “Goodbye Horses” by Q Lazzarus.
·      HRBT: No change.

According to a tweet, these are the lyrics on the WKIL channel:
·      “Because we all get…” // “Because we’re home again…” // Because..

·      All of this takes place in the future, past 2017
·      Clearly Dr Death Defying isn’t necessarily ”friends” with the other characters seeing as he isn’t following any of them on Twitter and he hasn’t mentioned any of them.
·      Agent Cherri Cola works for News A Go Go
·      Dr Death Defying seems as if he is involved in some sort of.. biker gang or something along those lines, hence the jacket
·      Cherri tweeted something earlier about being held up by a few former Sledge Hogs etc, it seems as though there are some kind of gangs around the Zones.
·      News A Go Go just tweeted about urgent news and posted a picture of a guy, in the middle of a desert, wearing a leather jacket exactly like Dr Death Defying’s picture on Twitter. I want to say that they are trying to capture him maybe? Because he proceeds to tell the agents to go (like after him or something).
·      As far as Tommy Chow Mein, I honestly have no idea. He just seems like some sort of real estate broker to me.

Someones Theory:
·      Maybe these clues have nothing to do with a new album? We are all so desperate for a new album that immediately after a bit of activity from MCR we jump to the conclusion it’s about their new album. We know that their album is finished (possibly out on the 8th Nov but still no officialness) and that Gerard said he wanted to release it in a special way but maybe this is all a ploy. Maybe these clues are the basis of a new comic book? The twitter accounts are characters? They have nothing to do with the album?
·      Apparently they aimed to make an album without a theme/concept in mind so it would make sense if this had nothing to do with the album although it is possible that a concept manifested as the album was being made. It seems to me that the ‘special’ way they wanted to begin sharing the album with us is to make us run around like headless chickens over nothing, merely for the fun of it.
·      The transmissions are a funny one though. Maybe they do play a part in the album or maybe they don’t? Another tool to fuck us about with perhaps.
·      It’s a big puzzley mess but honestly the twitters and tweets paint the characters too well to give them up to audio and metaphors rather than ink and plots.
·      We shall just have to wait and see.

I’m sure there are more things, and I will post another one when I feel better. Sorry that this is so short. More will be coming, possibly tomorrow or Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. What IS up with the horses? And the QL song creeps me out a bit b/c I believe that it was the song playing in Silence of the Lambs when Buffalo Bill was, uh, doing his craft.
