Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rest Of September Until Now Pt. 2

·      “WHAT IF "Scarecrows" are actually radio towers. And "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" means something else, like every letter has a meaning y'know? And maybe that's Frank's code name in the Dangerverse: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W not Scarecrow... did that make sense?”
o      Like an overly-long acronym? They do have a history of overly-long titles… In all seriousness it’s something to look into, though I’m not sure where we’d even begin with something like that.

·      “I'm pretty sure by the time this record comes out, EVERY character will be dead, including Dr. Death, PartyPoison, ALL of them. I mean, its in the future, so its not like it really matters if they live, its not like they're gonna use this concept again. Based on tweets alone, I'd say we're gonna find out that everyone is dead by Nov 22nd.”
o      Um… Gonna have to disagree with this one. Just because News A Go Go is out of service and we haven’t heard from Agent Cherri Cola since he last noted his body count doesn’t mean we’re headed for a Kill Em All scenario. (And we don’t even know if the News is actually dead or just captured. You never really can tell with totalitarian type government systems.) Plus, when you consider that Dr. Death Defying apparently opens and closes the CD.

·      “So I don't know if this has been said, but watching the lyric video again (for the sixtieth time...) I got thinking about the BL/ind can at the "eight legs to the wall" part. Eight legs might symbolise the four band members, as I'm pretty sure you've already established. Eight legs also meaning a spider. BL/ind standing for Better Living Industries, maybe? After a little thinking, my confused brain has come to the conclusion that the can is representing bug spray, which would make sense. Better Living Industries vs. the four Killjoys (the spider).”
o      Good observation! I totally thought it was a can of spray paint, but this interpretation makes a lot more sense.

·      “I'm pretty sure you're right about Frank being part of an organization, or was at one point anyway. According to an interview that I've misplaced, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W is a sort of police force, and we all speculated that S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W was frank, so perhaps he's ex police?”
o      That would be this Spin article where Ray talks about the existence of a police force called S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. I really do like the idea of Frank as ex-police, if only because it would explain why he’s such a badass (as if he needs any explanation) and would also possibly explain why the figure in the bed has on a similar jacket.

·      “So in the NA NA NA video I noticed this one point where there is a guy that is wearing the exact same thing as Frank on the bed at 2:41. I am not sure if it is Frank my gut says it is ahahaha. I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed the same thing I did.”
o      The question of who is on the bed is something that’s been debated and prodded at a lot. I was really hoping we’d get some clarification on who it is with the release of the video, but I guess not. But there is a thought that it was News A Go Go.

·      “I have just realized that Toro's jacket has the same logo as Frank's- Maybe he's part of whatever Frank is as well? Or was? Thought I'd share.”
o      Frank and Ray as former cops? I like the sound of it! Here’s hoping someone offers up some high-res screencaps for examination.

·      “When did the creepy-evil-bald-guy from the Na Na Na video get the name 'Korse'?”
o      Korse’s name is seen in the newspaper Frank is reading during the Art is the Weapon trailer. (I’m also trying to frantically remember where it is I saw it, but there’s a picture of the bloodied bed from the motel room scene which also has a good shot of the newspaper. Not operating on all pistons today…) The headline is, if I can remember correctly, includes some variation of “next Korse of action” and is followed by Sir Bald of Evil’s picture. (Sir Bald of Evil isn’t a canon name; just a placeholder until we could figure out what his actual name was.).

·      “This might be Wild Mass Guessing, but maybe News A Go Go is the Little Girl's mom? Since we know the News is dead...and since I don't think we ever knew the gender of the News...Maybe the Little Girl is the News' kid. It would explain why there is a little kid running around, and why it looks like the Little Girl got snatched by Dracs. Maybe the Killjoys saved her and decided to look after her.”
o      That would be really depressing. And also sweet if the Killjoys swooped in and rescued/are looking after her that way. I personally hope that the News has just been captured, but that’s wishful thinking more likely.

·      This is a teaser for the Na Na Na video. There are a couple things that caught my eye, but the most interesting thing was at about 00:58 you see a corpse of some sort in the sand, dressed in what appears to be a Black Parade-esque uniform. But anywho, I’d like to thank you for creating this tumblr and updating it so diligently. I’d be lost without you.”
o      I’d noticed the skeleton but was having trouble making out the uniform, but it seems like they could be doing a little Continuity Nod or maybe just enjoying a little tongue-in-cheek humor. (The last thing they put out is called The Black Parade is Dead!, after all.) Also, did anyone else notice that the road sign at the beginning of the video says “guano”? Guano is bat poop. Insert all manner of “bat country” or “batshit crazy” jokes here. The other thing I noticed? Looks like the Killjoys aren’t the only ones with a sweet car. Korse is riding stylish, too!

·      “I think the theory of Frank being a cop should be out. Cause his name is Fun Ghoul not Scarecrow. Scarecrow is probably just the defense force that Ray said.  I'm not even sure who said that Frank was (part of) Scarecrow in first place...”
o      I know I’d made a suggestion in one of the previous posts that Frank’s codename might be Scarecrow because of the stamp on the back of the print and the way it looked like a robot or scarecrow face type…thing. But now we have evidence that it’s the name of the police force, so the idea sort of morphed into the question of, “Well, what if he used to be part of this force and defected?” I’m not sure I’m entirely ready to throw the idea out, but it’s still in the realm of things we’re not certain about.

·      “People have been talking about why ‘Only Hope’ has been released when Na Na Na has only just come out etc. And I was just as confused as everyone else. Then I was thinking about two things they said. One being what Frank wrote on the website in his blog ‘To Kill A Demon Shark’ which was “We have a plan, and we are sticking to it.” The other was what Gerard said in the KROQ interview when asked when the video was coming out. He said that Na Na Na wasn’t even going to be a single at one point. Both of those things together got me thinking. That maybe at some point ‘Only Hope’ was going to be the first single and ‘Na Na Na’ was chosen instead when Art Is The Weapon got such a great response. That would mean that it was in their plan at the start to release Only Hope around this time but when they changed the first single they decided not to change Only Hope’s release and release it anyway as a ‘treat’ for us.”
o      Hmm… I’m not sure. It’s possible. I was talking with someone about it and the question was raised about whether or not the release of “The Only Hope” was a case of Executive Meddling—in that, perhaps the studio wanted them to release that one for some reason or another. It just seems really fast, no? However… I need to watch the KROQ interview again, but wasn’t there talk about trying to make the videos connect again, like during the TBP era? I’m a bit gray with that memory, but… I really do like the song. It’s different from “Na Na Na”, it doesn’t get me as charged up, but it…does something. I can’t put my finger on it, the same way I can’t quite put my finger on the effect the video for Famous Last Words has on me, but it’s… It does something. I like it.

·      “You know how in the end of the music video, it says BL/ind "The aftermath is secondary." In Dr. Death Defying's transmission he also says that. Do you think this means that the Killjoys/Dr. Death Defying and BL/ind are connected like, in a good way?”
o      I don’t think that’s very likely. If the three were connected in a good way, there would likely be no reason for Korse—who is running with a posse of Draculoids (who have BL/ind badges or name tags) and driving (or being driven around in) what I assume is a Better Living Industries company car—to kidnap the Little Girl. Unless Korse is someone who has gone rogue or is more focused on settling some sort of personal vendetta with the Killjoys… I’m not honestly sure how that, then, accounts for Dr. Death Defying’s use of what appears to be BL/ind’s motto. Maybe he uses it ironically or has turned it into a positive rallying cry?

·      “You seriously need to go to MCR’s transmission page and click on WKIL… That is just a major OMG! moment right there.”
o       You mean the distant shot of Battery City taken from the desert? Quite intriguing, yes. I meant talk about it when someone told me about it on Twitter but somehow just didn’t get around to it. D: It’s rather intriguing, though. Who’s doing the filming? Why? Is that really Battery City or is it someplace else?

·      “I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but on the transmissions page, the knobs on the bottom right of the TV set now have symbols: an X and a lightning bolt. if you click on the lightning bolt, a popup appears and it gives you embed codes to embed the transmissions TV on any sit, even your desktop!”
o      That’s definitely news to me! Thanks for the head’s up.

·      “Now I understand, you need to click the numbers in the TV thingy in this order: 01, 76, 02, 78, 31, 36 and the screen will say "You have accessed a clean channel, to proceed click here..." And it will redirect you to this page:”
o      I was wondering how @MCRmyWORLDWIDE got a hold of that link… Thanks for the tip!

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